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Scientists are Using Weather Forecasting Techniques to Predict COVID-19 Spread in Different Countries

Scientists are now making use of different weather forecasting techniques to make accurate predictions about COVID-19 spread in different countries. Since countries in different parts of the world are now entering the unlocking stage, many public health experts are raising speculations regarding coronavirus spread.

And in a bid to know about the speed of COVID-19 spread and assess the effectiveness of preventive measures, scientists are opting for different methods that are normally employed for weather forecasting. An international team of scientists consisting of meteorologists from the University of Reading, in the UK is doing work on this subject.

They have applied a data assimilation technique to study data gathered from different sources to assess the development of a situation over the course of time. In the study, it is found that it is possible to predict accurately the spread of coronavirus after the ease of lockdown.

And it is possible to predict accurate results for two weeks in advance. Professor Geir Evensen, who is leading the study has said that it is possible to accurately know about the variation of R number (the number of people a person with COVID-19 is likely to infect) in response to lockdown ease.

Since the governments from across the world are now unlocking everything to allow every sector functions in a normal way, it has become imperative to keep a check on the spread of the coronavirus pandemic. Only with the accurate data about its spread, it will become possible to take the right measures to control it in the case of its incessant spread.

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