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Here Are the Common Symptoms of Endometriosis

Endometriosis is the abnormal growth of uterine tissue on the walls of the uterus. It is usually accompanied by lots of unpleasant signs and symptoms. According to previous studies, over 5 million United States women experience painful conditions that may develop at any age. Most of these symptoms are similar to other medical conditions. Consult Ulas Bozdogan MD, an endometriosis specialist in New York, to find out the cause of your symptoms and begin treatment. Understanding the symptoms is essential to seek early treatment. Below are the main signs and symptoms.

Painful periods

It is normal for women to experience discomforts during their monthly periods. However, the cramping and pelvic pain may go beyond the normal limits. It may also begin earlier or an extended time after your period has stopped. If you are a victim of such pain, you should get checked for endometriosis before the condition progresses. Severe conditions cause pain that is far more uncomfortable and may affect your daily activities.

Chronic pain

With endometriosis, you could still experience pain and discomfort outside your period window. Endometriosis tissue often affects other reproductive organs, including the uterus, vagina, and bladder. This tissue is known to cause pelvic pain to its patients. It is excruciating and gets worse as you approach menstruation.

Painful sex

Dyspareunia, pain during sex, has psychological and physical pain in patients. People living with endometriosis experience excruciating pain in deep penetration but may be comfortable upon entry. Pain occurs when the endometrial tissue grows on the lower uterus or behind the vagina. Your partner can be gentle to alleviate the discomfort, but you need actual treatment to eliminate this pain.

Excessive bleeding

Doctors refer to this symptom as menorrhagia. It describes a situation where bleeding is abnormally high because individuals experience shedding on the outside and the inside of their uterus. You can identify excessive bleeding if you have to change napkins regularly, experience blood clots, and be affected such that you cannot continue with normal activities. Untreated menorrhagia could cause fatigue and anemia.


You can confirm infertility if you have gone on for almost a year without getting pregnant, even with unprotected sex. Doctors have not yet established the connection between endometriosis and infertility, but they propose that endometrial tissue blocks fertilization. You should talk to your doctor if you are having difficulties establishing the cause of your infertility.

Difficulties during bowel movements

If the endometrial tissue grows near the bladder or bowel, patients could experience problems during bathroom visits. This includes painful urination and blood in the stool. If this happens to you, you are also likely to feel an urgent need to urinate or experience constipation. Seek medical treatment because urinary tract infections could also cause these symptoms.

Individuals living with endometriosis find it hard to cope with the pain and other unpleasant symptoms. If left untreated, the issue only gets more and more severe. Doctors have numerous ways to manage the condition. Book an appointment with Advanced Endometriosis Center to enjoy personalized care.

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