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Signs and Symptoms of Anxiety

Anxiety is a normal part of life. People with anxiety disorders have excessive, persistent, and intense fear and worry about their daily situations. The feelings of anxiety can interfere with your daily activities and can be difficult to control. You may avoid some places or situations to prevent triggering these feelings. Symptoms begin from childhood or teen years and progress into adulthood. San Diego anxiety treatment centers employ effective, safe, and noninvasive procedures to treat brain waves that cause anxiety.

Signs and symptoms of anxiety

Generalized anxiety disorder

People with GAD have excessive worry or anxiety, often for about six months, about social interactions, work, health, and routine circumstances. Anxiety and fear might cause significant problems in life like work, school, and interactions. Some generalized disorder symptoms include having muscle tension, being irritable, being easily fatigued, having difficulty concentrating, and difficulty controlling the feeling of worry.

Panic disorder

People having panic disorders have frequent unexpected panic attacks. The attacks are sudden periods of deep fear, which come quickly and reach a climax within minutes. Attacks might happen unexpectedly or can be triggered, such as a feared situation or object. During a panic attack, you may experience feelings of impending doom, sweating, heart palpitations, trembling and shaking, and choking.

 People with panic disorder normally worry about when their next attack will occur and try to prevent more future attacks by avoiding behaviors, places, and situations associated with panic attacks. Worrying about a panic attack and concentrating on stopping another attack can cause significant problems in other areas of the person’s life.

Phobia-related disorder

A phobia is a strong fear of specific situations or objects. Although it’s normal to be anxious in some circumstances, the fear felt by people with phobias is out of proportion to the exact danger caused by the object or situation. People with a phobia can take active steps to feared situations or objects, and they can endure unavoidable situations and objects with intense anxiety.

Anxiety disorder diagnosis

If you have any symptoms, the doctor examines and asks questions about your medical history. They run tests to determine other health conditions that can be causing the symptoms. If the doctors don’t find any physical reason for your anxiety, they might send you to a psychologist, psychiatrist, or other mental health specialists.

These doctors ask questions and use tools and tests to determine if you might be having an anxiety disorder. The doctors consider how long you have had symptoms and how serious they are when diagnosing you. It’s essential to tell your counselors or doctors if your anxiety makes it difficult to complete and enjoy everyday tasks at work, home, and school.

Anxiety can be treated with medications, therapy, and a combination of the two. People with mild anxiety or a fear of something can easily decide to avoid living with the condition without treatment. Anxiety disorders can be treated even in severe cases. You can also learn to manage anxiety and live a happy life because it doesn’t go away. You can treat your symptoms if you are struggling with anxiety.

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