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Personalised Books Build Confidence & Language Skills of Children

People love personalized gifts. It makes them feel loved, cared for and special. The same positive effects can be felt by children too. There is no need to limit personalised gifts to adults when there are so many options of personalised gifts available for children, especially the interesting and knowledge giving, personalised children’s books.

Personalized books are available in various forms in the market like some books will have your child’s name all throughout the book, or their photographs  and name on the front. You can click here to check some of these books and get one for your kid as well.

These books insert the information of the child into the basic plot and weave the story around them. This makes the whole book reading session special for the child. It builds confidence inside them as they feel they can be heroes or sheroes of the story.

The stories in the personalized book woven specially for your child builds self-esteem and boosts their confidence. As they are the main character in the story with the story revolving around them, they are assured or reassured that they are important. This in turn encourages them to read more.

Children get more interested in reading as they read their name and spot their pictures in the book. They are motivated to read more and keep reading it innumerable times. Personalised books have the power to capture the child’s attention and maintain it.

With personalised books you can also tackle one of the major problems these days- the increased screen time. Children are most of the time glued to the screens. Personalised books can make them discover the joy of reading, reduce the screen time and while they are reading get invariably good in language and knowledge.

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